Motivational Wallpaper Content License
What is allowed?
- All wallpapers and content can be used for free
- Commercial and non-commercial purposes
- Use in digital and printed media
- Use on websites, social media, apps, TV, films, presentations, etc.
- Editing and customization of the wallpapers and content
What is not allowed?
- Selling unaltered copies of a wallpaper or content, e.g. as a poster, print or on a physical product
- Implying that the wallpaper content or the featured quote/text was created by you
- Portraying identifiable people in a bad light or in a way that is offensive
- Using the content for pornographic, unlawful or defamatory purposes
Do I need to credit the author?
- Giving credit to the wallpaper creator is not required but always appreciated
- You can credit by adding: "Wallpaper by [yuekun] from []"
Can I use the motivational quotes separately?
- The motivational quotes and texts featured in the wallpapers are not copyrighted by us
- You are free to use these quotes separately from the wallpapers
- However, please be aware that some quotes may be subject to copyright by their original authors
- We encourage users to verify the source and copyright status of quotes if using them for commercial purposes or in large-scale distributions
Modifications to wallpapers
- You are allowed to make modifications to the wallpapers for your specific needs
- However, you may not claim copyright over substantially unaltered content
Legal Certainty
- All content on [] is thoroughly checked, but we cannot guarantee full legality
- In case of justified rights violations, we will promptly remove the affected content